Saturday, August 11, 2007

Fortune Cookie

Depart not from the path which fate has you assigned.

This was the wisdom imparted to me by my fortune cookie the other night. My first response was "Huh, easy for you to say!" But then I really started thinking about it. Yes, I think about fortune cookies...don't judge me.

The obvious question to me is, how do you know you're on the right path? I always assumed I was because everything has come so easily to me. Teaching jobs have literally fallen into my lap. I would be a fool not to take the advantages laid before me. But then I thought, maybe my life has been so easy because I'm not really trying. Maybe I'm just taking the easy way out.

Chad and I talk about this all the time. What do we want to do when we grow up? I hate to say it, but I can't think of a damn thing I want to spend the rest of my life doing. But then again, are you supposed to do the same thing for your whole life? Is that really fulfilling?

I am very happy with what I am doing now, I just wish I had time to do more. (As if two...well three... no, actually, four jobs aren't enough right now.) I wish I could find the time to quilt as much as I would like to. I made pretty good pocket money selling them before I had the girls and I wish I could do that again. Unfortunately I used to quilt in my spare time. As anyone with kids well knows, spare time does not exist anymore.

I keep telling myself I'll quilt more when the girls go to school. But I know full well that I intend to find a job with daylight hours so I can be home with the girls in the evenings. *sigh* Won't anyone pay me to stay home and sew? (And watch my kids for me? Hee Hee.)

No really, If all I have to gripe about is that I don't have time for a hobby I must be on the path fate has bestowed me. (feel free to hum along to Que Cera Cera (whatever will be, will be))

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