Friday, December 14, 2007

Autism and Art

Over the years I have had several students with autism to varying degrees, many of whom have become very dear to my heart. This piece really made me happy to see that how the arts can affect kids positively, and not just ones with "disabilities". At the end of the movie I almost cried when I saw the little girl reach out and touch her mom's face in joy. Anyone who has worked with an autistic child knows that those moments of connecting can be few and far between. Please check this out, it's worth watching.

Sioban's Art Work


JBTW said...

It is a great accomplishment for her (& others with sensory needs) to tolerate having that on hands even for just a short time! That "little" step can take so long to achieve too...
:) Thanks for sharing her story.

Morgan said...

I will have to go and see.